Cannot find "Raven CD" on any mounted volume. Is your CD-ROM drive operating correctly? Fatal Error: General Logic Error. [Error = ^0] Fatal Error: Bad Object Lock Count. [Error = ^0] Fatal Error: Bad Text String Logic. [Error = ^0] Fatal Error: File System Error. [Error = ^0] Fatal Error: File Version Incorrect. [Error = ^0] Fatal Error: Out Of Memory. [Error = ^0] Fatal Error: End Of File Encountered. [Error = ^0] Fatal Error: Resource ID Not Found. [Error = ^0] The saved game file cannot be closed. [Error = ^0] The screen must be at least 512 wide and 384 tall to run this product. The saved game file cannot be opened. [Error = ^0] The high scores file cannot be closed. [Error = ^0] The high scores file cannot be opened. [Error = ^0] Fatal error: can't switch to 256 colors. This product needs more memory to run. Check installation notes for suggestions. This product needs System 6.03 or higher to run. Please install current system software. This product needs a 68020 or higher processor to run. This product needs Color QuickDraw to run. This product will not run with 64K ROMs. A MacXL cannot run this product.